Install to a theme OS 2.0 supported

Please follow the below steps to install the layout to your theme.

From Flash search app admin, go to Installation -> click Install Layout

Step 1: Find the theme that you want to install layout, select a filter layout then scroll down to click the Next button.

Step 2: Enable CSS embed block and Enable Javascript embed block Enable CSS embed block: Click on the button "Theme editor" it will redirect you to Shopify -> Customize -> Theme Settings -> App Embeds tab then click the Save button on the right side.

Enable Javascript embed block: By go to the theme editor to enable Javascript and Save changes.

When both of the above steps are completed, it is represented by the green checkmark. The "Next" button will allow being clicked to go to the next step.

Step 3: Setup Search results app block on the Collection page and Search page.

On the Collection page: Click on the button "Theme editor" it will redirect you to Shopify -> Customize -> Collection page.

Let hide the default collection section from the theme and then add the app section to the Collection page:

Repeat the above process with the Search page:

Click Done button to finish the installation.

Last updated