Filter by Collections
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In this article, we will guide you on how to configure filter by collections in the filter group like this:
1. Filter type: Select Filter type is Collections
2. Filter title: Enter the label for the Filter title, this label will be displayed on the storefront.
3. Choose "Using multi-level collections" if you want to show collections and their sub values (would be tags, collections or URL).
4.On click collection action: Choose between Jump to collection page and Filter in current collection page.
Jump to collection page: If selected, when clicking a collection, it will redirect to the corresponding collection page. E.g. after clicking "Shop for her" collection, you will be redirected to "/collections/shop-for-her" page.
Filter in current collection page: If selected, when clicking a collection, it will filter out the current products that be in the clicked collection. E.g. your current products in search results is: "Hrim sports shoes", "Tong cross neck dress". After clicking collection "Shoes"("Hrim sports shoes" is in this collection), our app will filter only products are in "Shoes" collection, then the search results is: "Hrim sports shoes".
5. Narrow down Collections by prefix: this operator is used to narrow down the value in the filter collection by only show the collection started with a defined prefix.his operator is used to narrow down the value in that filter option.
6. Choose values manually: If this option is checked, you can select custom values to show your customers: - Manual values - click this option to show and then add the values from the drop-down list. You can drag and drop the collections to arrange their display position on the front store.
- Keep collections unchanged- By enabling this option, all the collections still display even they have no products.
7. Show more options: This is advanced settings for the filter option: each filter option will have additional flex options that have been optimized.
Common options
Show tooltip: by checking this option, if you want to show extra information about the filter option when the user moves the mouse pointer over the help icon that is next to the filter title.
Tooltip content: Enter the content for the tooltip.
Show more type: Set how the filter to display, choosing from Scrollbar, Show all, View more, or View more with scrollbar. It's values when having many filter values.
Value text transform: Controls the capitalization of filter value titles. Options include none, Capitalize, Uppercase, Lowercase.
Sorting options
Sort by: This option allow sort the filter values. Options include Label - AZ, Label - ZA, Product count - Highest to lowest, Product count - Lowest to highest.
Collapse options
Collapse by default on Desktop: If selected, by default on Desktop, the content of filter is hidden, only filter title is shown.
Collapse by default on Mobile: If selected, by default on Mobile, the content of filter is hidden, only filter title is shown.
Search box
Show search box on Desktop: If selected, a search box will show on the filter on Desktop.
Show search box on Mobile: Allows you to show a search box on the filter on Mobile.