Filter by review rating
Filter by review rating is a great way to help your customers can find the high-rated products easier.
Last updated
Filter by review rating is a great way to help your customers can find the high-rated products easier.
Last updated
In this article, we will guide you on how to configure a filter by review rating in the filter group like this:
Before starting, we have to integrate a review rating first, please follow our guide below:
1. Filter type: Select filter type is Review Rating
2. Filter title: Enter the label for the Filter title, this label will be displayed on the storefront.
3. In the next section, we have 2 options:
Show products with ratings greater or equal selected ratings:
Show products that have their rating value greater or equal to the rating value your customer selected. e.g. When your customers choose a 3 stars rating value, the filter result will display products that have their rating value greater or equal to 3 stars (from 3 stars to 5 stars).
Show products with ratings equal selected ratings exactly:
Show products that have their rating value equal to the rating value your customer selected exactly. e.g. When your customers choose a 4 stars rating value, the filter result will display products that have 4 stars reviews only.
Rating color: Choose a color for the rating star icon.
4. After finish, click the Save button, and the is the result on your collection/search page:
The result after filtering by reviews: